

About Me
Hi there!
I'm Emma.
The lady with the camera.
Mommy to two beautiful children.
Wife to a military man.
Pitbull mama.
Wisconsonite for life, and back after living wherever the military sent us.
Lover of animals, sun, and all things adventurous and artistic.
I have been taking photos since I can remember. I started as a young girl stealing my mom's 35mm film camera and she'd wonder why she ran out of film so quickly. Later as the world turned digital, I'd disappear with the family digital camera and fill memory cards.
On vacations, I'd lag behind taking photos of everything and anything I found beautiful.
In high school, I took a photography class. I learned using a point and shoot 35mm film camera and a dark room. I still miss that dark room. But, I learned the essential basics of photography and the oh so important value of the knowledge and talent of the photographer and not just their equipment.
Upon graduation, I was gifted my first digital camera. And I ran that thing until it died.
In college, I had the privilege to work for a school district as their event photographer.
I got to have my first DSLR and coaching from their staff.
My dad also bought his own DSLR and I stole, err, I mean borrowed, it whenever I could to practice.
After getting married, moving to our first base in Mississippi, and discovering we were expanding our family, I asked my husband for a DSLR for Christmas so he took me to pick one out.
As soon as I got it I started practicing. I asked fellow photog friends, experimented, read, Pinterested, and YouTubed and my skills expanded and improved.
Then, our son was born. And I had a permanent victim, err model, for my photography.
As we've moved across the US and I've met many people and seen many beautiful places, I strive for continued learning and improvement as I establish my own unique style.
I currently serve the Madison, WI and surrounding area.
I look forward to working with you.